How to write a strong abstract

How to write a strong abstract

Did you know that abstract is perhaps the most important section of your manuscript?

Did you know that the abstract is the first section that is read by journal editors to decide whether to send your manuscipt for review? Just can be applied either to publish your paper in a journal or to send your results to a conferece. An abstract is a powerful tool to communicate your research succinctly while highlighting its most important facets.

In this workshop you will learn all the tips to write a strong abtract for your research paper, for a conference or even for your thesis.


4PM-4:30PM: Tips for Writing a Strong Abstract for your research paper

4:30PM-5PM: Tips for Writing a Strong Abstract for a conference

5PM-5:30PM: Tips for Writing a Strong Abstract for your thesis

5:30PM-6PM: Exercises in a breaking room.


Early bird registration until 19 November 2021  •10€

Late bird registration until 24 November 2021  •20€