How to prepare an Outstanding CV for Academia and Industry

How to prepare an Outstanding CV for Academia and Industry

When it comes to apply to academia or industry positions, what we want is to stand out on the highly competitive process of job applications. For this, an outstanding CV is critical to stand from the crowd. Did you know that it does not depend only in your expertise and experience but mostly on how do you show them? Did you know that when it comes to comparing an academic CV to an industry resume, there is a huge difference?

In this workshop you will learn How to prepare an Outstanding CV either for Academia and Industry. You will receive specific tips for academia or industry applications that will bring out your competencies and increase your chances of standing out from the crowd of CV’s. For that, LYRIS has invited expert speakers working in Human Resources either for academia and industry where they will tell you some tips as well as showing the differences between CVs and how they choose a good CV to move further recruitment process. 


- Ana Rita Ferreira, Institute of Biomedicine – iBiMED, University of Aveiro

- Rita Milhazes, Human Resouces at INL, Braga 

- Ana Cristina Silva, Learning Business Partner at Continental


9h30 - 10h: Outstanding CV: How to start

Dr. Ana Rita Ferreira, Institute of Biomedicine – iBiMED, University of Aveiro

10h – 10h40: Tips for an Outstanding Academic CV

Rita Milhazes, Human Resouces at INL, Braga

10h40 – 11h20 Tips for an Outstanding Industry CV

Ana Cristina Silva, Learning Business Partner at Continental

11h20 – 12h: Round Table or breaking rooms


