Key points to Perform a Fast and Effective Peer-review

Key points to Perform a Fast and Effective Peer-review

Peer-review is essential to assess the quality of a manuscriptbefore publication by independent researchers with similar expertise. It helps editors to decide if the work is approriate for their journal based on significance and authenticity of the results. The ability of a Postdoc to perform such tasks is viewed as a measure of scientific independence in several applications it and therefore valued by the reviewers.

In this workshop we will cover the peer-review process and provide you the ultimate checklist to peer-review an article in just a few hours. You will also have the chance to test it with practical exercises.


- Mafalda Santos - Science Communication Manager @LYRIS and Guest Editor at MDPI


9h - 9h45: The peer-review process

9h45 – 10h30: Key points to look for in a research paper

10h40 – 11h: The review report 

11h – 12h: Practical exercises in Breakout Rooms


